Tips to build a successful LinkedIn profile that you can add in your resume

In this article, we break down the tips to build a comprehensive LinkedIn profile. By implementing these tips, you stand to increase your chances of callback interviews by 71%. In fact, a study by ResumeGo of more than 24,570 fictitious resumes reveals that adding a link to your LinkedIn profile in your resume can be a game-changer and almost double your chances of landing an interview. However, this does not work for bare-minimum LinkedIn profiles. In this article, we share a guide to implementing the six fundamental components of a successful LinkedIn profile.

In this article we will cover these tips:

  1. Guidelines for a professional profile picture
  2. Compelling LinkedIn headline properties
  3. Guide to write a professional LinkedIn summary
  4. Instructions for a detailed work experience and education
  5. Building a strong network and connections
  6. Considerations for using "Open to Work" feature

For more insights about Resume - LinkedIn importance in job hunt, you can watch this video. 


1- Use a professional profile picture

Profile Picture:

  • Professionalism: Choose a photo that portrays you as professional and approachable. A professional headshot typically leads to up to 14 times more profile views.
  • Visibility: Ensure your face is clearly visible, taking up about 60-70% of the frame.
  • Expression: Adopt a friendly and professional expression.
  • Background: Use a simple, uncluttered background to keep the focus on you.

Background Image:

  • Relevance: Select an image that reflects your professional identity or industry. This could be a subtle, abstract design or a more direct representation of your field.
  • Consistency: The background should complement your profile photo and not distract from the information on your profile.
  • Quality: Use high-resolution images to ensure your background looks professional on all devices.

By carefully selecting and optimizing your profile picture and background, you directly influence how professionals perceive you on LinkedIn. These visual elements are crucial in building a strong, professional online presence.

2- Use a compelling LinkedIn headline 

Your LinkedIn headline is more than just a job title; it's your professional tagline. Here's how to craft a headline that captures attention:

  • Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what you offer. Focus on how you can add value to a potential employer or collaborator.
  • Keywords: Include industry-specific keywords to improve visibility in searches.
  • Clarity: Be clear and concise. Avoid jargon that might not be understood by everyone.
  • Uniqueness: Differentiate yourself from others in your field. Consider mentioning a unique skill or achievement.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a professional tone that reflects your industry and personality.

A well-crafted headline makes a strong impact, effectively communicating your professional essence at a glance.

Examples of Good Headlines in 2024:

  • Digital Marketing Specialist | SEO & SEM Expert | Driving Brand Awareness and ROI
  • Award-Winning Graphic Designer Specializing in Brand Identity | Speaker & Workshop Leader
  • Experienced Project Manager in Tech Startups | Agile & Scrum Master | Building High-Performing Teams
  • B2B Sales Leader | SaaS & Cloud Solutions | Proven Record of Exceeding Quotas by 20%+
  • Renewable Energy Consultant | Sustainable Development Advocate | Helping Companies Transition to Green Energy

Examples of Bad Headlines (whatever is the year):

  • Unemployed and Looking for Work: Lacks professionalism and doesn't showcase any skills or value.
  • John Doe – Graduate: Very generic; doesn't communicate what John specializes in or aspires to do.
  • Hard Worker Who Gets the Job Done: Too vague and subjective; doesn't specify industry, skills, or achievements.
  • Experienced Professional in Various Fields: Lack of specificity can make it unclear what the individual's core expertise or industry focus is.
  • Just Another IT Guy: Undersells the individual's skills and expertise; lacks enthusiasm and uniqueness.

Good headlines are specific, highlight key skills or achievements, and reflect the professional's unique value proposition. In contrast, less effective headlines often lack specificity, fail to communicate value, or come across as unprofessional.

It's important to highlight that your headline should match current trends within your industry if you are open for new professional opportunities. Recent job description can be an indicator of current market trends. For more insights about this topic, you can read our recent article about decrypting job descriptions.

3- Guide to write a professional LinkedIn Summary

Here’s how to create a summary that stands out:

  • Start with a Strong Opening: Grab attention with a compelling first sentence that encapsulates your professional identity and value.
  • Narrative Flow: Tell your professional story in a way that's engaging and easy to follow. Discuss your background, key milestones, and what drives you in your career.
  • Showcase Achievements: Highlight significant achievements with specific examples and quantifiable results to demonstrate your impact.
  • Personal Touch: Add elements of your personality and interests to make your summary more relatable and authentic.
  • Call to Action: Conclude with a clear call to action, inviting viewers to connect, collaborate, or reach out to you for opportunities.
  • Keywords: Integrate relevant keywords naturally to improve visibility in searches, but ensure the text remains engaging and reader-friendly.

Remember, your summary is an opportunity to tell your story in your own words. Make it reflective of who you are as a professional and individual.

Good Summary Examples in 2024:

Innovative Product Manager: Passionate about turning ideas into products that solve real-world problems. With over 10 years in the tech industry, I've led cross-functional teams to launch award-winning apps, resulting in a 50% user growth year-over-year. Outside work, I'm an avid hiker and tech blog contributor. Let's connect to innovate together.

Creative Graphic Designer: Specializing in branding and visual storytelling, I've helped over 100 small businesses and startups create memorable brands. My designs have been featured in industry publications. I believe in the power of design to communicate and connect. Interested in collaboration? Drop me a message.

Dedicated Nonprofit Leader: With a decade of experience in nonprofit management, I've spearheaded programs that have touched the lives of thousands, focusing on education and healthcare. I'm driven by the belief that every small effort counts. Keen on partnerships that make a difference? Let's chat. 

Seasoned Marketing Strategist: Mastering the art of digital marketing for over 15 years, I've driven ROI improvements of over 200% for several Fortune 500 companies. My approach combines data analytics with creative storytelling. I'm also a mentor to young marketers. Exploring new strategies? I'm just an email away.

Entrepreneur & Blockchain Enthusiast: Founded a successful fintech startup that simplifies blockchain for everyday transactions, securing $5M in funding. I thrive on disruption and innovation. When not working, you'll find me at blockchain conferences or playing chess. Interested in fintech innovations? Let's connect.

Bad Summary Examples:

  • Just your average Joe: I work. I pay bills. Not much else to say. If you really want to know more, I guess you could ask, but I'm not that interesting.

  • Unemployed, looking for anything: Lost my job, now I'll take whatever I can get. Not sure what I'm good at. Help me out? 

  • Student, kinda bored: Just doing my degree because I have to. Don't know what I want to do with my life. Hit me up if you want to talk about anything but work.

  • I do stuff with computers: I've worked with computers for a while. Can fix them, I guess. If you have computer problems, maybe I can look at them. Or not.

  • Salesman, will sell anything to anyone: I've sold lots of stuff, from cars to insurance. If it can be sold, I'll sell it. Not sure if I like it, but it pays the bills.

Good summaries are engaging, professional, and highlight achievements and aspirations, while bad examples are informal, lack direction, and fail to communicate value or professionalism.

4- Instructions for a detailed work experience and education

Here’s how to effectively detail your work experience and education:

Work Experience:

  • Use Action Words: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to make your roles and achievements stand out.
  • Quantify Achievements: Wherever possible, use numbers to quantify your accomplishments, such as "increased sales by 20%" or "managed a team of 10."
  • Highlight Key Projects: Don't just list your duties. Highlight specific projects you led or contributed to and the impact they had.
  • Skills and Technologies: Mention any specific skills or technologies you used or learned in each role, especially those relevant to your current career goals.


  • Degrees and Certifications: List your degrees and any relevant certifications, including any honors or distinctions.
  • Relevant Courses: If you're early in your career, you can list major courses related to your field to show your knowledge base.
  • Extracurriculars and Clubs: Mention any relevant extracurricular activities or clubs, especially if you held a leadership role.

By detailing your work experience and education in this manner, you not only provide a clear picture of your background but also demonstrate the value you've brought to past roles and how you've developed professionally over time. 

Notice that in case you experienced a career gap (sabbatic, volunteer, training...), it's important to highlight it in your LinkedIn profile and your resume alike. To deep dive into this topic, you can read our latest article how to navigate career gaps in your job search journey.

5- Building a Strong Network and Connections

Navigating "How Many LinkedIn Connections Can You Send Per Day":

Understanding the limitations set by LinkedIn is crucial for effective networking. The platform restricts the number of connection requests one can send per day, typically capping it at around 100 to 150 to encourage meaningful interactions and prevent spam. It's important to strategize whom you're connecting with, focusing on individuals who align with your professional goals or interests. Tailoring your approach and personalizing each connection request can lead to a higher acceptance rate, making each of your daily connections count.

Achieving Rapid Growth with "The Fastest Way to Get 100+ LinkedIn Connections":

Expanding your LinkedIn network rapidly requires a mix of strategies. Begin with connecting to people you know personally or professionally, as they are more likely to accept your request. Engaging actively on the platform by sharing content, commenting on posts, and participating in discussions within LinkedIn groups can also increase your visibility, making others more inclined to connect with you. Another effective approach is to attend LinkedIn Live sessions or industry-specific webinars, where you can interact with like-minded professionals and send them connection requests post-event.

Mastering Outreach with "How to Message Someone on LinkedIn to Connect":

When sending a connection request to someone you don't know personally, including a personalized message can significantly improve your chances of acceptance. Start by introducing yourself and mentioning any commonalities, such as mutual connections, shared professional interests, or relevant events. Briefly explain why you're interested in connecting and how you think the connection could be mutually beneficial. Keeping your message succinct, personalized, and respectful not only shows professionalism but also demonstrates genuine interest in building a meaningful professional relationship.

Fostering a broad and engaged network on LinkedIn is not just about increasing your connection count; it's about cultivating valuable professional relationships that can offer insights, support, and opportunities throughout your career trajectory.

6- Considerations for Using the "Open to Work" Feature

Deciding Against the Open to Work Tag:

While the Open to Work feature on LinkedIn can signal to employers and your network that you're seeking new opportunities, it's important to consider its implications. Some professionals view this tag with skepticism, as it might suggest desperation or unhappiness with your current role. Before adding this feature to your profile, weigh the potential impacts on your professional image and consider alternative strategies to express your availability for new roles.

How to Turn Off Open to Work on LinkedIn:

If you've decided that the "Open to Work" tag isn't for you, you can easily remove it from your profile. To do this, go to your LinkedIn profile, find the "Open to Work" box, and select the pencil icon to edit. From there, you can choose to delete or modify your job-seeking preferences, effectively removing the public tag while still signaling your interest to recruiters privately. 

How to Let Recruiters Know You're Open on LinkedIn:

A more discreet approach to job seeking on LinkedIn involves setting your profile to privately signal to recruiters that you're open to new opportunities. This option allows you to communicate your availability for new roles without broadcasting it to your entire network. To enable this, navigate to the "Jobs" tab, select "Preferences," and activate the setting that lets recruiters know you're open to opportunities. You can specify the types of roles and locations you're interested in, ensuring that you're only approached for relevant positions.

In conclusion, while the "Open to Work" feature can be a useful tool for job seekers, it's crucial to consider its potential impact on your professional reputation. Opting to communicate your openness to new opportunities discreetly to recruiters can be a more tactful approach, allowing you to maintain a professional image while exploring new career possibilities. 


In navigating the complexities of LinkedIn and leveraging it for career advancement, the tips provided offer a roadmap to optimizing your presence on the platform. From crafting a compelling headline to judiciously using the "Open to Work" feature, each strategy is designed to enhance your professional image and visibility.

An often-overlooked yet crucial aspect is the integration of your LinkedIn profile into your resume. Including a link to your meticulously curated LinkedIn profile on your resume not only offers potential employers a deeper insight into your professional background but also showcases your digital literacy and attention to detail. It's a testament to your understanding of modern recruitment practices and an invitation for employers to learn more about your achievements, skills, and professional persona.

In sum, a well-maintained LinkedIn profile, coupled with strategic networking and a thoughtful approach to job seeking, can significantly elevate your career opportunities. Remember, the key to LinkedIn success lies in authenticity, strategic engagement, and a continuous effort to present your professional journey in the most compelling light. 

For more insights on crafting a professional resume, explore our article featuring six practical tips to enhance your resume-writing skills.


Mohamed Amri, PhD

Founder and CEO of Supamatch

Holding a PhD from Mines Paris Tech, I excel in identifying and nurturing top talent within the tech sector. As the founder of Supamatch and multiple startups, my expertise in strategic hiring has been pivotal in assembling elite teams that drive innovation.

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