Example of Cover Letter for Political Intern

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to writing an effective cover letter for a Political Intern position, ensuring you stand out to potential employers and increase your chances of landing the role.

Supamatch Career

Editorial Team

Cover Letter

Emily A. Jones

312 Maple Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20001


(202) 555-0178

United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

423 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 224-4651

Mr. Mark Thompson

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Political Intern position with the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. As a dedicated and knowledgeable individual with a passion for public service and policy development, I am eager to contribute to your team and learn from the esteemed members of the committee.

During my undergraduate studies in Political Science at the University of Chicago, I have honed my research and analytical skills, which I believe will be beneficial in supporting the committee's work. My coursework has included in-depth analysis of foreign policy, international relations, and legislative processes, providing me with a solid foundation to build upon as an intern.

I have also gained practical experience through my volunteer work with local political campaigns, where I assisted with policy research, event coordination, and community outreach. This experience has not only strengthened my organizational and communication skills but also deepened my commitment to fostering positive change through public service.

I am impressed by the committee's dedication to shaping United States foreign policy and promoting international cooperation. I am particularly interested in the committee's work on global health initiatives and human rights advocacy, areas where I am keen to contribute my enthusiasm and research abilities.

Thank you for considering my application for the Political Intern position. I am available at your earliest convenience for an interview and can be reached at (202) 555-0178 or via email at emily.jones@email.com. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my educational background and volunteer experiences align with the goals of the committee.


Emily A. Jones

Table of Content

Introduction to the Job Role and Its Significance

An internship in politics provides an invaluable opportunity for individuals to gain first-hand experience in the workings of government and political campaigns. Political interns often find themselves assisting with research, supporting administrative tasks, and engaging with constituents. This role is a crucial stepping stone for those aspiring to a career in public service, policy analysis, or political consulting.

For the role of Political Intern in 2024, candidates are typically expected to be pursuing or have completed a degree in political science, public administration, international relations, or a related field. While previous experience is not always mandatory, a demonstrated interest in politics and current affairs is essential. Certifications are not usually required for this entry-level position.

Skills in high demand in 2024

Political analysis
Public speaking
Social media management
Campaign strategy
Data analysis
Policy knowledge
Writing and communication
Legislative process understanding

Enhance your Cover Letter to Increase your Opportunities

What Makes a Cover Letter Stand Out

Employers looking to fill a Political Intern position are drawn to cover letters that showcase a candidate's passion for politics, understanding of policy issues, and willingness to learn. A standout cover letter for this role will reflect a genuine interest in the political landscape and an eagerness to contribute to the team.

Key Attributes to Highlight:

  • Knowledge of political systems and current events
  • Strong analytical and research skills
  • Excellent communication abilities, both written and verbal
  • Proactive and self-motivated work ethic
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment
Cover Letter

Emily A. Jones

312 Maple Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20001


(202) 555-0178

United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

423 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 224-4651

Mr. Mark Thompson

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Political Intern position with the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. As a dedicated and knowledgeable individual with a passion for public service and policy development, I am eager to contribute to your team and learn from the esteemed members of the committee.

During my undergraduate studies in Political Science at the University of Chicago, I have honed my research and analytical skills, which I believe will be beneficial in supporting the committee's work. My coursework has included in-depth analysis of foreign policy, international relations, and legislative processes, providing me with a solid foundation to build upon as an intern.

I have also gained practical experience through my volunteer work with local political campaigns, where I assisted with policy research, event coordination, and community outreach. This experience has not only strengthened my organizational and communication skills but also deepened my commitment to fostering positive change through public service.

I am impressed by the committee's dedication to shaping United States foreign policy and promoting international cooperation. I am particularly interested in the committee's work on global health initiatives and human rights advocacy, areas where I am keen to contribute my enthusiasm and research abilities.

Thank you for considering my application for the Political Intern position. I am available at your earliest convenience for an interview and can be reached at (202) 555-0178 or via email at emily.jones@email.com. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my educational background and volunteer experiences align with the goals of the committee.


Emily A. Jones

Average Salary in 2024

82,00 USD/ Year in USA 🇺🇸

Deep Dive into the Job Role and Industry

A Political Intern is often tasked with a variety of responsibilities that can include monitoring legislation, conducting policy research, attending meetings and briefings, and supporting campaign initiatives. Long-term objectives may involve establishing a network of contacts in the political realm and gaining a comprehensive understanding of political processes.

Industry Trends:

The political landscape is continuously evolving, with a growing emphasis on digital campaigning and data analytics. Interns who are adept at social media strategy and possess data management skills may find themselves particularly in demand. Furthermore, knowledge of global political issues and international relations is increasingly valued due to the interconnected nature of today's world politics.

Mistakes to Avoid!

  • Using a generic cover letter template
  • Failing to demonstrate knowledge of the political landscape
  • Neglecting to mention relevant coursework or projects
  • Forgetting to proofread for grammar and spelling errors
  • Lack of enthusiasm for the political process

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Cover Letter

Opening: Start with a strong, engaging opening that conveys your enthusiasm for the role. Mention how your values align with the organization's mission.

Body: Discuss your relevant experiences and achievements. Highlight any academic accomplishments, volunteer work, or previous internships that have prepared you for a career in politics. Demonstrate your skills with specific examples.

Conclusion: End your cover letter with a call to action, expressing your desire for an interview and your intention to follow up. Thank the reader for considering your application.

Key Achievements to Highlight in 2024

  • Leadership roles in student government or political organizations
  • Successful political campaigns or advocacy projects you've contributed to
  • Relevant academic honors or awards
  • Public speaking or debate experience
  • Volunteer work with political campaigns or civic groups

Customization Tips

Tailoring Your Cover Letter: Research the organization and reflect its values and culture in your cover letter. Address the letter to the specific individual responsible for intern hiring, if possible.

Incorporating Keywords: Review the job listing and include relevant keywords in your cover letter. Use these terms naturally to show that your skills and experiences align with the role's requirements, helping your application to pass through ATS filters.

Opening Good Examples

Dear Hiring Manager, As a dedicated Political Science major with a passion for public policy and a strong commitment to civic engagement, I am excited to apply for the Political Intern position. My academic background and volunteer work with local campaigns have equipped me with a solid foundation in political processes and a keen understanding of legislative dynamics.

Opening Bad Example

Hey there, I've always liked politics and arguing about it, so I figured why not get a job where I can do that? I watch a lot of news and I'm pretty good with people, so I think I'd be great as your next Political Intern.

Dos and Don'ts

Best Practices:

  • Do keep your cover letter concise and to the point.
  • Do proofread to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Do show your personality and how it fits with the team and organization.

Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Don't use a generic cover letter for all applications.
  • Don't include irrelevant personal information.
  • Don't forget to tailor your cover letter to each specific role and organization.

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Editorial Team

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