Example of Resume for Graphic Designer

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to crafting a compelling Graphic Designer resume, ensuring you stand out in the 2024 job market. Learn to showcase your creativity, technical skills, and key achievements to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Supamatch Career

Editorial Team

Alex Jordan


alex.jordan@supamatch.com | +1 (555) 123-4567 | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-jordan-designer



Creative and detail-oriented Graphic Designer with over 5 years of experience in creating compelling branding, print, and digital designs for a diverse range of clients. Adept at visual strategy, layout development, and electronic production for print media. Passionate about working in a collaborative environment, and bringing innovative ideas to life through effective visual communication.



Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, InVision, Graphic Design, Typography, Branding, Web Design, UI/UX Design, Motion Graphics, Print Design, Digital Illustration, Photography, Color Theory, Layout, Visual Communication, Design Thinking, User-Centered Design, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Project Management


Work Experience

Senior Graphic Designer June 2021 - Present

Creative Solutions Inc. | None

  • Lead the design team in creating branding packages for clients
  • Collaborate with marketing to develop online and offline advertising materials
  • Mentor junior designers and oversee their project work for quality assurance
  • Manage multiple projects from concept through completion

Graphic Designer July 2019 - May 2021

Brandify Agency | London, UK

  • Designed and produced print and digital marketing materials
  • Worked closely with clients to create vision, conceive designs, and consistently meet deadlines and requirements
  • Effectively built, motivated, and directed design and production teams

Junior Graphic Designer May 2017 - June 2019

Innovate Design Studio | San Francisco, CA

  • Assisted in the design and production of graphic materials
  • Handled social media accounts and created engaging content
  • Participated in the creation of website design and user experience



Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design September 2015 - May 2019

New York University

Associate of Arts in Visual Arts September 2013 - May 2015

Los Angeles City College

Table of Content

Understanding the Role

Graphic Designers are the creative minds behind the visual elements we see in various media. They are responsible for creating assets that not only look appealing but also serve a functional purpose. The role of a Graphic Designer extends beyond mere aesthetics; it's about communication and problem-solving through imagery, typography, color, and form. The goal is to convey a message that resonates with the audience.

As a Graphic Designer, you're expected to have a keen eye for detail, a strong sense of composition, and an understanding of visual hierarchy. Your responsibilities may include developing concepts, creating visual designs, and collaborating with other team members to produce final products. This could range from digital assets like websites and social media graphics to print materials like brochures and reports.

A freelance graphic designer resume should showcase versatility and the ability to adapt to different clients' needs, while a graphic designer cv for a full-time position may emphasize collaboration and long-term project management.

Understanding the role is crucial when crafting a graphic designer creative resume. It's not just about listing your skills and experiences; it's about telling a story of how you can contribute to a potential employer's vision. Your graphic designer resume template should be a reflection of your professional identity and should communicate your design philosophy effectively.

Skills in high demand in 2024

Adobe Creative Suite proficiency
UX/UI design
Web design
Motion graphics
Print design
Digital illustration
Project management

Enhance your Resume to Increase your Opportunities

Starting with a Strong Header

Feature a header that is clean, professional, and reflective of your design style. Include your full name in a prominent font, followed by your professional title, such as "Senior Graphic Designer" or "Creative Director". This immediately informs the reader of your level of expertise and area of specialization.

Below your name and title, include your contact information. This should consist of your phone number, email address, and a link to your online portfolio or professional website. Ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date. You might also want to include your location to indicate your availability for local projects or your openness to remote work.

Remember, the header is not just about the information provided; it's also about presentation. Use this space to demonstrate your design skills subtly. Choose a layout and typography that are both legible and distinctive, setting the tone for the rest of your creative graphic designer resume.

Alex Jordan


alex.jordan@supamatch.com | +1 (555) 123-4567 | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-jordan-designer



Creative and detail-oriented Graphic Designer with over 5 years of experience in creating compelling branding, print, and digital designs for a diverse range of clients. Adept at visual strategy, layout development, and electronic production for print media. Passionate about working in a collaborative environment, and bringing innovative ideas to life through effective visual communication.



Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, InVision, Graphic Design, Typography, Branding, Web Design, UI/UX Design, Motion Graphics, Print Design, Digital Illustration, Photography, Color Theory, Layout, Visual Communication, Design Thinking, User-Centered Design, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Project Management


Work Experience

Senior Graphic Designer June 2021 - Present

Creative Solutions Inc. | None

  • Lead the design team in creating branding packages for clients
  • Collaborate with marketing to develop online and offline advertising materials
  • Mentor junior designers and oversee their project work for quality assurance
  • Manage multiple projects from concept through completion

Graphic Designer July 2019 - May 2021

Brandify Agency | London, UK

  • Designed and produced print and digital marketing materials
  • Worked closely with clients to create vision, conceive designs, and consistently meet deadlines and requirements
  • Effectively built, motivated, and directed design and production teams

Junior Graphic Designer May 2017 - June 2019

Innovate Design Studio | San Francisco, CA

  • Assisted in the design and production of graphic materials
  • Handled social media accounts and created engaging content
  • Participated in the creation of website design and user experience



Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design September 2015 - May 2019

New York University

Associate of Arts in Visual Arts September 2013 - May 2015

Los Angeles City College

Average Salary in 2024

83670 USD/ Year in USA 🇺🇸

Crafting a Compelling Professional Summary

When tailoring your professional summary to a specific Graphic Designer role, focus on the skills and experiences that align with the job description. Mention any notable clients or projects you've worked on, and emphasize your ability to deliver creative solutions. For example, if you're applying for a role that requires digital expertise, highlight your proficiency in web design and digital media.

Your professional summary should be concise, typically no more than three to four sentences. Use this space to showcase your enthusiasm for the role and your commitment to advancing in the field of graphic design. You might start with a statement like, "Innovative Graphic Designer with over 10 years of experience in creating compelling visual narratives for top-tier brands."

Mistakes to Avoid!

  • Using a generic resume for every job application
  • Overloading the resume with too much text or graphics
  • Failing to proofread for typos and grammatical errors
  • Neglecting to include a link to your online portfolio
  • Forgetting to tailor the skills section to the job description

Detailing Work Experience

List your positions in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent job. For each role, include your job title, the company name, the dates of employment, and a bulleted list of your key responsibilities and achievements.

Focus on the contributions that are most relevant to graphic design. Highlight projects where you've successfully implemented design principles to achieve business objectives. Quantify your achievements whenever possible, such as by stating the percentage increase in engagement due to a campaign you designed.

Be sure to include a variety of projects to demonstrate your versatility and ability to work with different clients. If you've worked in different industries, this is a chance to show how your design skills can be applied broadly. Each entry should give a clear picture of your role and the impact you had on the project or organization.

Key Achievements to Highlight in 2024

  • Award-winning design projects
  • Successful brand identity campaigns
  • High-profile clients or projects
  • Efficiency improvements in design processes
  • Contributions to significant increases in client engagement

Highlighting Education and Certifications

Education and certifications provide credibility to your resume and show your dedication to professional development. In this section, list your highest degree first, followed by any additional degrees or relevant certifications. If you have attended design workshops or completed online courses, include these as well to demonstrate your commitment to staying current in the field.

It's important to mention any design-related certifications that validate your technical skills. This could include certifications in Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, or other industry-standard software. If you've completed any courses on emerging technologies or design methodologies, those should be highlighted as well.

Remember to include the name of the institution, the degree or certification obtained, and the date of completion. If you graduated with honors or received any academic awards, this is the place to mention them. Your education section should not only reflect your qualifications but also your drive to continuously improve and evolve as a Graphic Designer.

Summary Good Examples

Innovative Graphic Designer with 5+ years of experience specializing in digital design, brand identity, and user experience. Adept at Adobe Creative Suite and skilled in collaborating with clients to deliver visually compelling graphics that align with brand strategies.

Summary Bad Example

I do graphic design and have worked with some design software. I like making things look cool and have been doing it for a while. I'm good at understanding what people want and making it look nice.

Showcasing Your Design Portfolio

An essential component of any graphic designer resume creative is the design portfolio. This is where you can showcase your best work and give potential employers a visual representation of your capabilities. Your resume should include a link to your online portfolio, making it easy for readers to view your projects in greater detail.

While your resume highlights your skills and experiences, your portfolio demonstrates them in action. It's important that your resume complements your portfolio by providing context to the work displayed.

For instance, you can mention a particular project in your resume and then direct readers to see the full project in your portfolio.

When selecting pieces for your portfolio, choose a range of work that demonstrates your versatility and expertise in different areas of graphic design. Include any freelance projects, collaborations, or personal work that showcases your unique style and approach. Your portfolio is your chance to impress, so make sure it is well-organized, up-to-date, and reflective of your highest quality work.

Listing Relevant Skills

Include a mix of technical skills, such as proficiency in design software, as well as soft skills like communication and teamwork.

Tailor this section to match the skills listed in the job description. If the role requires experience with specific tools or techniques, make sure those are prominently featured on your resume. Additionally, include any skills that are particularly in demand, such as UX/UI design, motion graphics, or coding abilities.

Soft skills are equally important, as they demonstrate your ability to work well with others and adapt to different work environments. Highlight skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and time management. For a freelance graphic designer resume, you might also want to emphasize your entrepreneurial spirit and ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Adding Professional Affiliations and Awards

Professional affiliations and awards can set you apart from other candidates by showing your engagement with the design community and recognition for your work. If you are a member of any design organizations, such as AIGA or the Design Management Institute, include these in your resume. These affiliations demonstrate your commitment to the field and your interest in staying connected with industry trends and peers.

Awards and recognitions serve as third-party validation of your skills and achievements. Whether it's a design competition, an industry award, or recognition from a previous employer, these accolades should be included on your resume. They provide tangible evidence of your talent and can be a compelling addition to a resume examples graphic designer.

When listing awards, include the name of the award, the organization that granted it, and the year you received it. For affiliations, list the name of the organization and your role or level of membership. This information can give potential employers insight into your professional network and your standing within the design community.

Supamatch Career

Editorial Team

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